Reclaiming the Style of Your Inner Teenager


We did the adulting thing, handing in Levi's for the uniform of conformity. But, for baby boomers, aging is a very different process than our parents.

Whereas our parents might have learned the meaning of stretch pants and mumu's, we revisit our standbys like concert tees and jeans. 

Instead of giving up on style, we actually have become more conscious of wanting to express our individuality as we age.

It's like finding an old friend again: A pair of well-worn jeans, long hair that is left tamed by the wind's whims, and easygoing tees. 

This top from That 1970s Store in Mayer, Arizona and some hippie glasses purchased there too. 

It's simple to find bohemian style clothing of our youth. It's in all the stores now as it's the hottest thing. The store Free People really knows how to do it up, as does Sundance Catalog.

Defy the cut-off-your-hair at menopause tenant and let it grow. Braid it. Wherever on their heads hair will grow, men can go long again too. 

What will the grandkids think? That they had the coolest grandparents ever! My granddaughter loves when I arrive with lots of jewelry stacked up. That's her magical "She-She." 

Margaritas, smoking weed, listening to music, going to outdoor concerts, ecology-based vacations, zip lines, cruises, incense, ecology and gardening, cut-offs, vans.....

The generation that broke the rules is doing it again with their aging. 

This is the time to find yourself again, who you were before roles defined what was expected of you. When you felt like hitting the open road on an adventure, learning to play guitar, or feeling bliss in meditation.

Start small if you want - perhaps stretch jeans instead of full-on faded Levis. Maybe put on some hippie sunglasses when you're out and about - 

We never questioned why we had to assimilate. It's time to question why we must dress by elderly guidelines!

Breaking the rules and making things our own - that is what keeps us vital and alive. 

Then and now - the difference is VITAL.

And, whether we want to admit it or not, vital and youthful, casual and approachable mature folks are much more welcomed by the population than those that frown and appear to have given up. There is nothing more youthful than smiling and too many mature folks don't smile and the gravity upon their skin makes them seem angry. The twinkle in the eyes of a mature person with a beaming smile is instant youth.

Your smile is always your best accessory, but don't forget the jeans and attitude!
