Ice-Themed Party


Ice. It's the season that produces plenty of it for our enjoyment, and also our most common winter injuries. If you want to celebrate ice and create a festive occasion based on it, here's your inspirations and ideas - 

Amazing captures occur when water freezes. 

Ice bars and ice hotels sound like a fantastic adventure during the season. Sweden has a fantastic ice hotel

Ice bars offer ice shot glasses and a frosty vibe. You just want to down some vodka or a frothy freezing beer in such an atmosphere. Find out about the best ones in the world - HERE.

Ice wine is the most amazing dessert wine. Allowing the grapes to freeze on the vine produces a sweet wine like nothing you've ever tasted. 

Do you want to have an ice party at home? 

Lighting: Replace light bulbs with blue ones or use white twinkle lights, consider a projection water light in blue to make patterns on the ceiling. 

Decor:  Think glass, white, snowflakes, and furs. 

How about an ice luge for the liquor? Create some ice shot glasses in the freezer - 

If it's cold enough to freeze water where you live, consider leaving a wheelbarrow outside with water and canned beers in it. Wheel it in for the party and let it sit. Over time indoors, the ice will melt enough the beers come out. 

Drinks: White frosty drinks (Irish cream) and blue ones (blue curacao) might be the best for the ice bar theme, but let's look at some awesome concoctions to inspire - 

Think in terms of white and blue, pale, frosty.... 

Ice blue tablecloth and mix up some fake snow to sprinkle on the surface - 

Finding the right tunes might involve Indie tunes. 

Or consider something from the northern icy lands like Hu from Mongolia  - 

How about Sami Lapland music? 

Consider using an icicle in your cocktails like a swizzle stick/ice cube alternative.

Embrace the ice theme!
