2023 seemed to prove, once again, we are in strange times.
I know I'm not the only one that found 2023 to be even more suck than imagined. It's as if the rug was pulled out from under many of us. I've been seeing tons of posts on Facebook from friends who have experienced -
loss of loved ones
health conditions
financial setbacks - crappy economy
moving back in with family
losing a home situation
Job search troubles
spouse with grave condition
Honestly, I think it might go down as the single most stressful year of my entire life and, at my age, that says a lot.
Even though my year culminated in unbelievable stress and worry for recovery from Bell's Palsy's synkinesis, I managed to squeeze out a miracle at the end of the year.
Sometimes life forces your hand when you don't feel brave enough to do something. In my case, I simply didn't feel I could survive in my current condition with all that went on with Hollywood strikes in my industry and fighting a slide into depression from one burden upon another.
I ended up selling the house to downsize my life and make it easier for me to come and go and enjoy life rather than sweat a mortgage. I will be purchasing a mobile home in a 55+ park here in the Greater Phoenix Area.
First, however, I am transitioning myself with a lifestyle I never imagined myself being brave enough to pursue. I will be living for a few months in an extended stay hotel locally so I can focus purely on completing scripts and getting in optimal physical and spiritual shape.
Sometimes you have to take yourself out of the setting and force your focus. Without the stress of maintaining my own place, I can heal and strengthen. Then, off for a 2-month film shoot at some point in the early part of 2024. I cannot give details yet.
I will keep vlogs of this for my YouTube Channel - Sharon Day Life Archivist. I might just start a new playlist for ME FIRST.
When I come home, I get the mobile home, move stuff out of storage, and this coming summer - a big adventure I'll reveal later.
My fiance had passed on in January and all the dreams of completing renovation and sharing the home were dashed.
With this shift, I've set myself up to live below my means and have an easy to maintain home in a close community with activities and then be able to come and go and travel without worry.
I no longer felt at my age that a suburban tract house and lawn was the way to go. I wanted to be free to write full-time and also pick up oil painting again. An artist's cozy sounded ideal.
I hadn't wanted the hassles of another move (I've had 4 in 13 years), but in this case, I was actually very excited to know I'd be closer to things I want to do, good friends, and neighbors that actually know each other.
Sometimes, it's the compost of one year that makes a beautiful crop the next year.
In creating a new manifest vision ahead, I found my dreams were revived. It was not only safe and doable in the new setting, but the setting encourages me to focus on my screenplays as I have a lot of them lined up.
As well, I expect to totally revamp my Sharon Day Life Archivisit YouTube channel to share life and all its aspects of tiny living and an artist's desire to let go of the last chains of what I was expected to be versus honoring who I truly am. (Also on Instagram)
Some of the playlists on Sharon Day Life Archivist:
Psychic Skills
Arizona Living
Ghost Investigations/Hauntings
Unexplained/Paranormal/Ancient Mysteries
Bigfoot Research
Synkinesis Recovery
Artist's Life
Where will 2024 take us? Since we are the ones forging the path, it's in our hands. We may dodge good and bad events, but we can be guaranteed we will be presented with epiphanies, opportunities, and insights. These may be the detour cones of the highway of life.
Here's to a fantastic 2024 and hopefully a change in the administration, a change for the world, and unexpected rewards!
Love to all!
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