The name, the face and the legends are slightly different, but Santa is universally the symbol of goodness.
Babbo Natale - This version of Santa is more slender and elegant. He wears a red coat with fur trim too. Italians hang stockings for Babbo Natale to fill.
Samichlaus - (LINK) Clad in red, Santa Claus follows a fixed route around the village, accompanied by Trychler (cowbell ringers), Geisselchlöpfer (whip-crackers) and bearers of lanterns, torches and Iffelen (a type of elaborately decorated lantern). In addition to his helpers the Schmutzli, who are cloaked in dark cowls, his closest companions often include a donkey, or, more rarely, a pony, and on occasions servants and angels. Santa Claus usually travels on foot, but in a few places he prefers to get around by horse, horse-drawn carriage or even boat.
New Zealand
Santa Names Around the World

Albania Babadimri
Argentina Papa Noel
Armenia Gaghant Baba
Australia Santa Claus
Bahamas Santa Claus
Belgium Pere Noel
Bermuda Santa Claus
Brazil Papai Noel
Bulgaria Dyado Koleda
Chile Viejo Pascuero
China Dun Che Lao Ren
Denmark Julemanden
Egypt Papa Noel
England Father Christmas
France Pere Noel
Finland Joulupukki
Germany Weihnachtsmann
Greece Agios Vassilios
Hawaii Kanokaloka
Holland De Kerstmann
Hungary Mikulas
India Santa Claus, Baba
Iran Baba Noel
Iraq Vader kerfees
Ireland Santa, Santee or Daidi Na Nollaig
Italy Babbo Natale
Jamaica Santa Claus
Japan Hoteiosho (a god or priest who bears gifts)
Kenya Father Christmas/Santa Claus
Lithuania Kaledo Senelis
Morocco Black Peter
Netherlands Kerstman
New Zealand Santa Claus
Norway Julenissens (Christmas Gnome)
Peru Papa Noel
Poland Swiety Mikolaj
Portugal Pai Natal
Romania Mos Craciun
Russia Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost)
Scandinavia Julenisse
Serbia Deda Mroz
South Africa Vader Kersfees
Spain Papa Noel/El Nino Jesus
Sweden Jultomten (Christmans Brownie)
Trinidad and Tobago Santa Claus
Turkey Noel Baba
United Kingdom Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle.
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