Healing Yourself: Alternative Healing Choices

Hand Pan Drum 

I recently started studying Feng Shui for certification. I figured that the ancient Chinese art of studying how chi (energy) moves through an environment would work in unison with my own psychometric skills of reading energy in an environment. 

NOTE: I am not a health professional, just a researcher who hopes to expand my knowledge of self-healing. I also recognize some conditions need immediate supervision. None of these are curative, per say, but can improve sense of well being and harmony. These treatments I explore, I do so for my own edification as to whether to use them to supplement my health or not. The choice is up to you to explore more knowledge and consult your physician.

I'm generally a woman of science, but only because it makes logical minds able to comprehend why things work the way they do. 

Long ago, we had the Black Plague and they didn't know about bacteria or the entire microbial world. They simply figured people were not going to church, born on the wrong day, or some other excuse. 

Centuries later, when we were able to view a microscopic world with a microscope, we found bacteria and were able to eventually find a way to kill it with antibiotics. This unsee-able world was capable of killing us. 

It's humbling to realize how something invisible can have a powerful effect. 

I'm reminded of the saying, "We are God, God is us."

Similarly, we have electricity and magnetism, two amazingly impressive forces that affect us, that we still don't fully understand. 

What about the dream state and the hormones associated with the pineal gland and sleep time? 

Dark matter? 
Quantum entanglement? 
The double slit experiment findings? 
How about lithotripsy sound waves to crush a kidney stone? 

If you're a science nerd like me, these things continue to baffle. Let's not even throw in the concepts of God, the universe's size, infinity....

So, why do we turn our noses up at the notion that something as simple as frequency, whether it's light or sound, could possible heal? That our very own bodies have the gear for healing and our minds direct it? 

The placebo effect is a well known process by which if a person believes they are taking the cure, they heal.

Time after time, experiments show that people can heal without the actual drug the doctor wanted to prescribe. Take a peek into churches that profess to heal people by shoving them back into the waiting arms of attendants and then the person walks away believing something stronger than self enacted a miracle upon them. 

Placebo interventions can improve patient-reported outcomes by up to 60%, and even blue pills as sedatives had a 66% success rate when given frequently. In addition, expectations of relief are responsible for 50% of the overall response rate, while branding can increase effectiveness by 22%.

As I already possess psychic intuitive abilities, I realized that this God-given talent could be enhanced by knowing more about the workings of chi or energy upon our world. It still comes down to frequencies and consciousness.

The conditions I most want to work on with my experimentation are sykinesis as a result of Bell's palsy (still some paralyzed areas on the face), and peripheral neuropathy. 

Right now, receiving acupuncture for my Bell's palsy complication of synkinesis. I'm studying for my certification in Feng Shui (the practice of knowing how to place items in an environment for optimal flow of chi/energy for success, health, and relationships). 

But, I plan to move on quickly to sound therapy, chromotherapy (color therapy), aromatherapy, crystals, and so much more. I think if I have this ability, if I don't study these other aspects for healing, I am like an artist with only a pencil. 

Here's just some spiritual studies that are often referred to as New Age- 

feng shui
To learn the basics of how to lay things out in your home for success, first find your Kua number and it will tell you directions to face and directions to avoid. If you want to learn more, get a good reference book - 

An ancient Chinese treatment involving the placement of very fine needles into the skin along energy meridians to heal. I will admit, I've been doing acupuncture for months and seeing zero difference in my conditions I wanted to treat. It does, however force the most relaxing meditation for a half hour or 45 mins once a week. Just the overall feeling of well being and floating above my problems lasts most of the week.

sound therapy
Sound waves penetrate the flesh and help to improve circulation, blood flow, metabolism, muscle efficacy, and stimulates tissue repair.  As it has a very calming effect, it can greatly help emotional issues and for those who don't meditate well, this is a fantastic replacement. This can be done with tuning forks, singing bowls, and even humming. This has had a surprising effect on me. I listen with headphones to YouTube sound videos, but honestly having the sound waves wash over your body is ideal. Humming is shockingly effective and things like singing bowls and tuning forks do wonders. 

This is a therapy I can really get behind. Just think of lithotripsy - sound waves that obliterate kidney stones. How about a beautiful song that moves you? Ones that make you uncomfortable? What about when someone cranks up the bass on their car stereo and your chest pounds? Those sine waves have immense penetrating effect. 

Color therapy is used to improve your mood and well-being. This is done with colored lights, but even colored glasses, utilizing certain colors for certain issues. I tended to utilize the glasses when I'm relaxing or during bathtime, sitting in the backyard... This has the most unusual effect on mood. 

As stones generally have their own energy/conductive properties, it's believed being around, holding, and placing crystals on a body can bring healing. Depending on the type of crystals or stone, it offers different benefits from protection from evil to easing arthritis. 

This is a Japenese technique for stress reduction and relaxation to promote healing. It is done as a hands on healing. 

Find a reiki master and try a session. LINK 

Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. This includes diet, beauty, meditation, and more. 

Find out more at MIU.

herbal medicine
The use of plant matter from herbs to foraged wild grown items to create teas, tinctures, bitters, oils for healing. 

chakra clearing/balancing
Chakras are energy centers in the body. There are 7 and any blockages in a chakra stops the flow of energy through the body and can lead to distress and disease.

tai chi and 
qi gong
These ancient movement exercises create a sense of well-being, centeredness, and help your energy flow freely. There are some great beginners tai chi (tie-CHEE) and (chee-GONG) vids on Youtube. It's a fantastic centering slow motion movement that starts the day beautifully. 

Tapping your fingertips on a key meridians on the body creates well-being, resolves anxiety, but also helps manifest affirmations. This is a new trend that is catching because, well, it really does do something! Your entire body comes alive with energy.  There are great videos on Gaia Channel showing this. 

The earth gives off energy and normally man would receive this through the soles of his feet, but today we walk mostly on pavement and with rubber-soled heels. This blocks the energy benefits. Sadlly, for some of us, walking barefoot on beach sand or grass is not always an option. For those of us who can't, there are grounding mats and even grounding sheets for the bed that are plugged into the ground hole in the wall socket (the third hole).  As I'm staying in an extended stay hotel as I choose a home, I am using the mat under my office desk as I type, making contact with my bare feet.

I can't say I feel anything particularly different. One night I slept atop of the mat on my bed against bare skin. I had the oddest dreams. It's doing something, but honestly I'd so much rather be outdoors with all the nature around me doing this. That is so much more effective as it's totally all the senses. 

Maybe you're not good at meditation, but you can sit, close your eyes, and daydream. Visualizing with specificity your goal helps to subconsciously bring it about. We have more power with our mind than we realize, but the subconscious, quiet, background running system is truly the master. You can think, "I want to be slender," but it isn't happening without the subconscious's go-ahead. If you've been telling yourself you fail at losing weight, you can't keep weight off, or you have no self discipline - guess what system is recording that as a reference for how to treat your decisions and actions? Yup! The subconscious!

The good think is the subconscious only knows what you've fed it. You are what you eat, so be sure you feed it clear visuals and all the physiologic responses of having obtained that thing. 

For instance, as you visualize healthy foods, active lifestyle, hiking, dog walking, taking tai chi, your brain feels your body's response to the imagery. Your body doesn't know it isn't happening. It begins to respond accordingly. Your subconscious believes you actually did this thing and felt that way because you did it.

Tr imagining biting into a lemon and see your body's response. 

Athletes use this visualization a lot to play out shooting a basket in basketball or watching a time clock as they run. Studies have shown the actual muscles respond and the body responds to this very vivid enactment as if it happened.

When you are told that manifesting involves feeling gratitude before something actually occurs, it is tapping into that very real truth - if you imagine it, feel it, your body responds. Just think of how a talk with your boss can make your stomach clench and your thoughts race. Imagine how your stomach feels as you reach the top of a rollercoaster hill about to let go and descend.

You want your body to feel like a winner and proud, thankful, and ready to take on the world. You do this by first creating the visual and visceral basis for it. When your subconscious thinks you won a gold cup, it has the operating system (consciousness) act like a winner. This draws positive events and confidence and helpers to you so that these things can actually happen. It paves the way. 

If you do nothing else, at least consider a vision board of imagery of what you want, or some quiet meditative time to look out a window or close your eyes and imagine how it feels to be on the beach, strutting around in your bikini or surfing, perhaps accepting an award on a stage, or saying vows with the true love of your life. 

red light therapy
This red light LED therapy is said to act upon your mitochrondria for repair. It is often used for aesthetics like beautiful skin, but it has been found to reach muscle tissues and nerves and help with other conditions like pain, Bell's palsy, and more. 

I've been using one 10 mins three times a week on my face for a couple months now and it DEFINITELY made my skin incredibly beautiful, but I've also been noticing the issues with my Bell's palsy synkinesis shifting and my face feeling like both sides are talking to each other more, the lips are looser, and the patches of "numb muscle" have reduced to one area around the mouth where I'm still trying to get a toothy smile again. 

First, I rub in a mix of Cereve cream and castor oil. Once it's rubbed in, I use the red light device with a fair firm application in circular slow motions (don't let any spot get more than 3 seconds of rest). No more than 15 mins. 3 times a week. It feels warm and relaxing. The skin looks dewy and plump and happy. I don't use wrinkle creams. I slug my skin at night - that lotion/castor oil mix and then seal it with Cereve ointment.  For my body skin, I only use coconut oil. 

Although not considered a curative, aromatherapy (scents to activate the brain) are understood as powerful tools for mood and stress relief. 

Scents such as rosemary have been clinically noted for helping memory and the scent of mint for helping curb appetites.

Our sense of smell is the least complex of the senses as it doesn't need the intense interpretation in the brain that other senses do. It is immediate and we know this because the smell of coconut suntan lotion and chlorine can take us back to a childhood public pool in seconds. 

ETC  - 

There are many more therapies from hypnotism and past life regression to drum circles, breathing techniques to yoga, vegan juicing to fasting, Himalayan salt lamps and negative ion diffusers.... 

I look at it this way - our population is growing obese with diabetes and heart disease, depression and anxiety. We are so cut off from nature and life that our foods do not contain life - dead items on shelves and our time is spent in artificial dead buildings. 

Nature, breathing, eating from the earth - such clean, clear, and simple ways to be present in the moment and such life-confirming practices. If one is to add to the body's innate self-healing abilities, lowering stress, finding purpose, living in gratitude, and living upon live earth and eating live foods are going to be the best way to get back to what we inherently are - 

living beings.

I highly suggest subscription to Gaia Channel. There are more videos than you can possibly watch on all subjects of healing, well being, manifesting, health, diet, and the mysteries of the universe.  This is a fantastic channel for educating the entire family on how to take health into ones own hands and find peace and childlike wonder at our world.

If seeking these therapies helps us to feel more in control of our health and well being, then this is the kind of education I can full promote!


Happy Healing!
